Some "world-famous" releases.

My daily job is to explore.

I explore life through music.

As you might imagine, being not only a performer but also a composer, I end up having lots of newly composed music, since that´s one of the best ways for me to explore: composing music.

I release only about 5% or less of what I compose. Most pieces (or ideas) end up going nowhere.

This week I´ve released not one, but two pieces.

Both of them are inspired by very very famous tunes. One of them in the style of a baroque invention (although the original is a French song), and one inspired by the rhythm of a Peruvian Waltz (although the French waltz version is the one that made it world-famous).

I´m wondering if you´ll recognize the songs…

Click here to listen to my baroque fantasy over the song ______.

And, click here to listen to my Peruvian waltz inspired by the song ______.

Have a great day.


P.D. My physical albums are on sale only for a few more days. Click here to find out about them.