What to do with this?

Even though I´ve been getting some amazing and beautiful comments on my latest Bach release, some of the feedback I´ve been getting in the past few days is very, well, “interesting”. And I wanted to share it with you.

Here is the selection with the top picks:

-the cello version wins by far

-why would anyone play classical works on an accordion?

-It's funny how this toy can destroy Bach so effectively

And, the most respectful of all:

“A piece of sh…”

Of course, I´m not negatively affected by these comments. I know I can´t take them personally. But it still affects me, because these comments come from ignorance, hatred, and sometimes, loneliness.

These things come to light even more with the aid of social media and the extensive use of the internet.

How can we as individuals and as a society help in extending the much-needed positivity that is missing from so many people? The kindness, the empathy towards others?

Music is one way, of course, and it´s my way. Sometimes I wonder if it´s enough though…

I´ve got many unresolved thoughts about this. Many questions, few answers. This is no easy task to handle. It doesn´t seem to have a solution.

So, what can we do?

I, for one, try living my life surrounded by positivity, energizing myself only with things that do good to my body and mind, and trying to make beautiful music. Hopefully, this will also positively affect people in need. Little things do help too. Positive examples go a long way. A small but meaningful action can be picked up by another individual just by observing it for a second.

Have a great day.


P.D. My latest release: Bach Suite in G major for solo cello (adapted for bandoneon).