A unique moment in Time.

What do a recording, a book and a photograph have in common?

Some time ago I realized that a recording, just like books, paintings, and any solid work of art, is very much like a photograph. All of them represent a means of expression conceived and done in a unique moment in time.

Some of them might take longer to finish than others.

But the moment the artist decides that the book can be sent to print, that the painting can be sold, or that the recording can be released, that is a faithful representation of the artist in that exact moment.

Dive into that work deep enough and you will discover the artist him/herself.

With this thought in mind, we can perhaps rediscover artworks and artists that we´ve long loved…

…perhaps also those that we´ve disliked or misunderstood.

Have a nice day.


P.D. Some of my albums are on sale for just one more week, you can check them out by clicking here. Perhaps you´ll learn something about me during that moment in time ;)