Why is it so unfair?

I´m a good boy.

I take care of my family. I complete my tasks. I exercise. I always eat a healthy and balanced diet. I´m respectful of others.

Why on earth then do I have to get this awful scarlet fever?

…I know, it seems like an unreasonable way of reasoning.

But, on close analysis, we might discover that people often blame external facts as the reason for their torments.

How many times did you hear someone (or yourself) say something like:

“Life´s unfair.” “

“I deserve better.”

“Nobody understands me”.

Probably all those things are true.

However, I´ve learned for myself that life really isn´t fair or unfair.

It just is.

It isn´t good or bad. It just is. Trees don´t think something is good or bad. That´s a human concept.

I´m not saying that good or bad things don´t exist. I´m just saying that when I practice acceptance before judgment, often my mind relaxes so that I don´t even get to the judgment part.

And what a sweeter road I´ve found when resentment has (mostly) been taken out of my life.

I´ve spent the last three days and nights agonizing in pain every time I swallowed. Practically no sleep. My wife caught it as well.

There was a scarlet fever outburst at our daughter´s school. She didn´t get it. We got it. Go figure it out…

Anyways, we´re better now, thanks. Just a few more days of recovering.

Here´s some unusual music for a Sunday, the BANDONEON Inspiration playlist. Lately, I´ve been sharing my piano playlist with you but probably you didn´t know I had dedicated one for my other instrument :)

Fever or not, I´ll still be practicing bandoneon today (just like the last three days) for my concerts next week. Thankfully enough, it´s a beautiful and highly enjoyable instrument to play and listen to. Maybe it even helps me recover.

Listen to the playlist and you´ll see (or hear).

Have a great Sunday.
