
Art is the elimination of the unnecessary, according to Pablo Picasso.

Great quote, I love it. The problem is…

What is necessary?

What isn´t?

Michelangelo said that “David” was already inside that huge piece of marble before he even touched it. He just had to uncover David by sculpting the piece of rock.

I focus and deepen my thoughts on what he meant. Suddenly I´m at a loss for words.

How unbelievably beautiful is that?

How did he know the exact location and extract those unnecessary bits of marble? Just like Picasso knew how to travel from realism to cubism to Guernica, leaving only the essential?

Simplicity is a concept I´m not completely able to grasp just yet. Just like art.

Sure, you can come up with millions of different meanings or explanations. Probably many of them are correct. Which at the same time makes them incorrect…

The only way to live for me is in search of truth.

And truth is not stable. It´s flexible like rubber. It´s soft as silk. It´s uncomfortable like a bed made out of needles.

It´s whatever you make of it.

But always, always, seek to live by truth.

It´s the only decent way to live that I know of.

Have a great day,
