Sentimentally detached

I used to be sentmientally attached to the music I created or performed.

Now I´ve figured out that it´s not even healthy to be so attached to it.

Once you create something, it´s not up to you if people will like it or not. It might be a big success or a big flop.

It´s not my decision to say if it´s good or not. The people will decide.

And the more sentimentally attached I am to each piece of music, the less focused I am on the bigger picture.

I don´t make music just to please myself. I make it to connect with people and inspire them.

But once it´s out there, my music doesn´t belong to me anymore. It belongs to everyone.

This is my latest piece, released just yesterday. It´s called Triste and it can be heard by clicking here.

Have a great day.
