Science and Art

Science makes us live longer.

Art is why we want to.

This short but potent phrase is a comment I got from a follower on a recent post of mine about the importance (or unimportance) of art for humanity.

True, art is not necessary to survive as a species. We need a few basic things, eating, sleeping, reproducing so we don´t become extinct…

But art has been with us from the very beginning. Not only in the cave paintings done by our cave-dwelling ancestors but also in the way we constantly try to find better, more comfortable ways of living and decorate our environment in more aesthetic ways to please our senses.

At what point did we start calling “art” to art? I don´t know. Maybe after a quick google search I will.

But even though I have no proof, I also do not doubt that art has been with us from the very beginning of our time.

Have a nice day,


P.D. Here are three of my latest Youtube videos for some musical enjoyment: