Recurring dreams

My dreams are usually quite strange. I’m sure yours are too sometimes…

I had a dream last night about a giant piano and an album cover. Weird…

The piano lid opened and out came an album cover, I couldn’t read its title or what it was about. But it looked at me with a very judgmental face.

Yes, an album cover with an actual face on it.

It ended up chasing me.

This was no nice dream, it was a nightmare.

Have you ever tried screaming in your dreams? If you haven’t, I can assure you it’s not possible, no matter how hard you try. You might wake up to real-life screaming though…

That’s exactly what happened. Thankfully, I didn’t wake up anyone.

What on earth did that dream mean?

I published an album yesterday, with Bach´s music on my bandoneon.

Something that is almost as weird as my dream.

Maybe the album cover in my dreams was actually Bach trying to strangle me for disrespecting his music.

Or since I´m also a pianist, maybe it was the piano that was mad at me for choosing not to record the album with it. Jealousy…

In any case, here’s the link to the album, available ONLY for digital streaming -> BACH on BANDONEON

The first solo bandoneon album on Warner Classics. Ever.

I´ll let you know if I dream of the Album, or Bach, the piano, and me coming to friendly terms.

