Why do people compose?

According to Robert Schumann,

“People compose for many reasons,

-to become immortal;

-because the piano happens to be open;

-because they want to become a millionaire;

-because of the praise of friends;

-becuase they have looked into a pair of beautiful eyes;

Or, for no reason whatsoever.”

Robert Schumann´s music always seemed to me as if it had an inner dialogue, spinning around the depths of his mind, portraying a brilliant but deeply troubled soul.

Some of Schumann´s compositions are to me among the most passionate and intense music I´ve ever heard.

I wonder what drove Schumann to compose.

If I had to guess, I think music was almost like a basic necessity to him, like eating or sleeping.

Today, I´ve included in my piano playlist a couple of short piano pieces in which the intensity of his passion can be witnessed, at times contained (but showing through), at times in full outburst.

Click here to listen to them, they´re both at the top of the playlist.

Enjoy, and have a great day.
