Nobody tells you this

There are many things that students never learn or hear when they´re at the conservatory.

I´ve got a list with a bunch of them.

I´ll share two of them with you now since they relate to me exactly at this moment.

Number 1: Nobody ever tells you that as a performing and touring concert artist, you´d spend so much time alone in a hotel room, and on trains and airplanes.

Not that anybody has to tell you that, it´s quite obvious. But nobody really stops to think about it and how boring (and exhausting) it can get.

Number 2: Nobody ever tells you how much time you´d spend pasting sheets of music together. Depending on the music you´re performing, you might use original binded scores.

But for some types of music, music that I often play (like jazz standards and arrangements, etc), you´ll be needing to print out sheet music quite often, and pasting the sheets of paper together. Believe me, this takes up a LOT of time.

And yes, it´s very boring.

But that´s ok, it´s just some of the things we need to endure for the greater good: performing live.

Have a great day,


P.D. Beautiful bandoneon playlist to listen to right here.