The loneliness factor

I´m going to be very honest:

I don´t know if what I’m going to tell you is so important as to have you spend time reading about it…

…but, in a way, it saved my life.

So to me, it is.

You might get something out of it, then again, you might not.

This is about me feeling lonely and lost, 12,000 kilometers (7400 miles) away from home. And the one thing I turned to the most to soothe this solitude.

It’s strange because I was pursuing my dream. Yet, I felt lost.

Maybe it was the unfamiliar streets, the strange faces…

Or maybe it was my young age or inexperience…

Yet, it was music that saved me from an even deeper depression. It was the one thing I looked forward to doing.

When I sat at the piano, when I felt the keys, when those sweet sounds came out, I was partially soothed.

The sound of the piano was the only thing under my control.

And it was to the music of one specific composer to which I turned to agin and again.


What would’ve I done without him? I honestly don’t know.

His music spoke about the glory of life, of living. I felt alive when I played it.

Today, 20 years later and a transformed human being, I’m paying my debt to Bach.

The transformation is such that I’m paying this tribute with the instrument that I picked up during those dark times: the bandoneon.

And in a grandiose manner.

Today, my album BACH has been published. With Warner Classics. My name appears in a catalog featured among the greatest artists in history.

A big day for me, and for the bandoneon.

If you want to take part in this special moment, all you have to do is listen to the album, which is only available in digital streaming format.

The link is here -> BACH ALBUM



P.D. Did I mention that playing Bach on bandoneon is so difficult that it´s nearly impossible?