I´m here

Good morning.

I´ve been with a strange sort of flu for the past week. I´ve been twice to the doctor, x-rays, pills, tests… nothing.

There´s nothing. Just some virus I guess.

What I have noticed is that after very intense periods of work, I often get sick once the load becomes lower.

I push myself too hard to the limit, without even noticing it.

It´s honestly really hard to notice.

Unfortunately, I only notice it when I´m already ill. I never learn…

I also have been writing less in my newsletter, as opposed to before when I sent a daily mail. Of course, I know I´m not forced to send a daily mail.

But, I like it.

So I hope I can start keeping up with it again, or getting close.

So, just wanted to say hi, and wish you a great day.
