Fitting in

Fitting into the mold was never a concern of mine… or was it?

When I decided that I would dedicate my life to music at age 13, there was nothing anybody could say or do to stop me from that.

27 years later and fortunately for me, that is still the case.

In that sense, I didn´t care if I fit in the mold or not.

While my friends played soccer in the afternoon after school, I was playing piano.

While everybody still slept at 5 in the morning, I was playing piano.

While everyone else was having lunch or dinner, I was playing piano.

I certainly didn´t fit in with the lifestyle of my teenage friends, and eventually, I drew away from them and my circle of friends changed into people 5 or 10 years older than me who were either studying music or were already professionals in music and the arts.

But rather unexpectedly, this created tension in me. A self-imposed tension, because on the one hand, I wasn´t going to exchange my musical passion for anything.

But on the other hand, not fitting in has its downside.

You are excluded from certain circles, gatherings, reunions…

You become more solitary and have to deal with life´s ups and downs on your own because your circle of friends and close acquaintances shrinks.

My life as a concert artist has been a life filled with solitude. Most of my hours have been spent with music, since music has been my most loyal companion throughout the years.

So, should I have “fit in” in order to have had more company? More support? More understanding?

I think not.

Some people just travel through life through a more solitary road. The important thing is to know you have many options in life, and whatever you decide, take it and embrace it full-heartedly.

Have a great day.


P.D. The sale of my CD albums is on, visit this link to find out.