First post of 2024

First post of 2024

I’m currently on an airplane as I write this.

I´ve flown exactly 4613 kilometers and I’ve still got 4911 klms. to go.

The trip from Madrid to Lima, non-stop, lasts about 11 and a half hours. It used to take 13 but I guess airplanes are more effective nowadays.

My wife and daughter are sitting next to me, watching some movies.

I’m thinking about what has happened in my life this past year and what I want to make out of 2024.

I’ve been working on making an important shift in my lifestyle. One that allows me to stay at home as much as possible.

This naturally means fewer concerts.

Before, I thought it would be crazy to cut on concerts. At one point I used to do 100 concerts in a year (something that nowadays sounds absolutely crazy to me).

Last year I performed probably about 40, and this year it will surely be less.

Not because there’s less demand for my music. On the contrary, and fortunately, I’ve been getting plenty of requests for concerts well into 2025 and onwards.

But I’m refusing most of them. 

I just love working at home.

I love exercising at 6 in the morning, taking my daughter to school at 9, going to my favorite coffeeshop in Madrid with my wife to talk over things, and go back home together to work until 17:00 when our daughter goes out of school to spend the rest of the day with her.

No concert’s more important to me than all of this.

I love creating and recording music at home.

I love making visually attractive videos of my music at home, and learning to do them better every time.

And fortunately, I’m finding ways to make this lifestyle change possible.

So no, you won’t see a total withdrawal from the stages. But you’ll be seeing much less of me in live concerts.

I’ve learned that focusing on my priorities not only makes me happier, but in the long run, makes me do my work better and benefits much more people.

After all, if a single video of mine can get 7,5 million views (I’ve had several go viral last year), there’s no stage as big as that.

Here’s my most reproduced video of 2023: Bach´s Toccata and Fugue bwv.565. And while you’re at it, subscribe to my channel; I’m going to focus very much on it this year.

Have a nice day and a great year!
