Don´t be afraid of silence

You probably don’t know this, but I used to live in Finland.

There’s no reason why you should know, unless you’ve followed me closely for many years…

…or you’re my mother (who by the way is also subscribed to this newsletter. Hi mom.)

Even before moving there, I learned one of the first things about Finland that was permanently stored in my memory.

It was an observation made not by a Finn, but by a legendary Russian pianist called Emil Gilels.

He said that Finland was his favorite country because it was the country of silence.

And silence is the most essential requirement to make music. What a beautifully poetic thing to say.

When I arrived there, I reaffirmed that it was in fact the country of silence. And me coming from a chaotic city like Lima, Perú, it was a huge contrast.

Ever since I lived there, I’ve gotten in touch with a quieter side of myself that I didn’t know existed.

This side has permitted me to experience life and music (which to me are the same thing) in a different way, and it has heavily influenced my performing and my compositions.

Like some of the pieces on my Piano Inspiration playlist. You can listen to them here: My Piano Inspiration Playlist.

It’s not always possible to have peaceful, introspective days. But I hope you get the chance often enough to perceive a different side of yourself.

Have a great day!
