A day that shattered me

It was November 2019.

I received a call from my mother, she gave me the bad news.

My friend back in my home country had been battling an aggressive cancer for a relatively short period of time. He had just died.

I was shattered. He was such a happy and positive person. A passionate musician. A loving father of a 1-year-old boy and a loving husband to his wife.

I stayed thinking about all of this in my apartment, all by myself.

A couple of hours later, while I was not able to cope with the news yet, my record label producer called. He had some good news. In fact, quite extraordinary news: I had just been nominated for a Latin Grammy.

You know those color wheels where you can visually see the opposing colors? Yellow opposing blue, green opposing red…

Well, that´s more or less how I felt about the feelings I got with those two different news in one single day.

Naturally, I couldn´t be 100 % excited about being nominated. That meant absolutely nothing in comparison to the life of my friend.

What positive output can you possibly get out of something like this?

I have yet to figure that one out.

But life is a death sentence, after all. I can only try to make every second of it count for good. The best way I know, apart from being a kind and loving person, is to make music.

Make it passionate, exciting, transcendental. Make it better every day.

I wish you a great day (and that you make every second of your life count for good).


P.D. The album I was nominated for, called America, can be purchased on this link by clicking here.