The dark side of piano

Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.

Brilliant (and beautiful) quote by Marilyn Monroe.

We´ve all experienced it in one way or another; heartbreak. Unless you live in an alien world (or you´re extremely young), chances are that your heart has been broken at least once.

At the very least, broken by your impossible crush.

My next release, is released tomorrow. It´s called “Pocket Piano vol.2, of Heartbreak”.

Although its inspiration doesn´t necessarily come directly from heartbreak, but that is certainly what fueled the background for composing these 6 piano miniatures who will be born tomorrow.

I expect them to be tiny pieces of consolation for anybody who is going through a rough period. Not necessarily in love. Hearts can be broken for an infinite number of reasons…

If you want to help the algorithm go crazy and spread it around, you can start by presaving it on the following link, and of course by listening to it tomorrow when it´s out, hoping you´ll enjoy it.

Have a great day.
