Do I do any concerts?

People are constantly asking me if I perform any concerts live.

It´s a valid question, if you´ve known about me only through my virality on social media.

But the answer is, yes. I´m a concert artist and have been actively performing concerts for over 20 years.

Lately, I haven´t been publishing my agenda on my site. Ever since I gave up working with managers (that´s a subject for a different post) I´m just a one-man team. So I organize everything myself.

That means, everything.

From my videos to my recordings, albums, concerts, networking, emails, proposals, licensing, invoicing, taxes… and of course, composing and studying music.

The concept of work-life balance truly doesn´t apply here. The only way I´ve figured out to live is to integrate all aspects of my life into one. They can´t be separate from one another. That´s also a subject for a different e-mail…

What I want to say with this is that I also manage my website. That means not only its design and appearance but also its context. And all of this is just so time-consuming that I stopped updating my schedule.

However, since lately I get requests almost every day from people all over who want to see my agenda, I´ve decided to put it up again on my site. Only the basic information is there; the date and the city and country. If somebody is interested in seeing me on one of those dates and places, they can write to me and ask for more information.

If you´re one of them, you can check my agenda at and check to see if I´ll be somewhere near you soon.

I’m only putting there the concerts that are coming up in the next few months, even though my engagements run up till 2026 at the moment. But since from experience, anything can happen, I prefer not to put yet the ones that are so far in the future.

Anyways, all this rant just to tell you my concert agenda is up. Go see it if you´re interested.

And, have a nice day!
