What comes first.

Music is my tool.

My tool to discover myself.

My tool to discover the world.

If I delve deep into my psychology and emotions, it is to try to figure out and understand what it is that makes me want to keep on breathing, keep on trying, and keep on striving for something greater every day.

If I have any success in finding this out, I will not only begin to understand the way I work as a human being but also, just because of me being one, I will also begin to grasp what is it that moves us as humans.

It is extraordinary that I, or anyone, can use music as a tool for that. Not only if you´re a performer, but also if you´re a listener.

I´m pretty sure you must´ve had some moments in which the only thing that can possibly express what you´re feeling is music. No words or sentences can put it just right, because words and sentences are in fact tools for us to be able to communicate what we feel.

Feelings and emotions come in first. They´re the initial conception of any significant action.

And, music being purely emotional, it is right at the core of our being and of our humanity where we experience it. It´s much more than just our ears listening.

So, listen to music.

Great music. Beautiful music.

Extraordinary music.

It doesn´t have to be a Beethoven symphony. A single 3-minute song can be just as deep in its own way.

Lastly, my CD sale is nearly ending. Just a few more days and they´re gone. Link here.

The first batch of orders is being sent out today. The next and final batch is next week.

Have a great day.
