
9 out of 10 people will stay in their current situation rather than try to change it… even if they consider their situation unfavorable.

It takes courage to accept change.

Let alone going in search of it.

When I left home 21 years ago to live on my own and study in a country 12,000 kilometers away from home, it took courage to take the step.

I had barely made it out of my teens and I had no money. Nor did I have any work prospects over there.

It was risky, to say the least.

I had no idea how I would survive for the next few months, weeks, or even days.

For sure it wasn’t easy, but I managed to survive.

It also took courage to buy and learn a new musical instrument when I was 20 years old. I was already becoming a concert pianist and now I had a new dream: becoming a concert artist with two instruments, the piano and…

…the Bandoneon.

That was HARD to learn. Without any bandoneon teachers or performers living where I lived, I had to learn all by myself.

But I managed.

20 years later, I’ve released the first solo bandoneon album ever on Warner Classics, dedicated to the greatest of all composers: Johann Sebastian Bach.

You can listen to the album here: BACH on Bandoneon.

Even if as a species we´re not wired to willingly look for change, we have an extraordinary ability in adapting to it.

And great changes might make our lives much more interesting.

Mine certainly has because of embracing change and making the most out of it, even when it didn’t seem favorable to me.

I wish you a great day!

