

Where would we be without them?

There´s a strong argument that homo sapiens, humans… us… thrived due to our capacity to live by our intricate belief system.

I don´t doubt that for a second.

Think about money.

Money does not exist.

We totally made it up.

It´s a concept that allows humans from around the world to collaborate in an unlimited number of acts without even knowing about the existence of each other. It is certainly very difficult to think of a world without the concept of money. Yet, money itself does not exist. A piece of paper, a coin, or a (hopefully large) number on a screen reflecting your bank account savings are interpretations of the concept of money.

But money in itself is a completely made-up concept.

It makes the world spin.

If we can hold that statement to be true and live by it through our lives, think of all the statements we can make ourselves and live through till the end of times…

“I´m a good person.”

“I´m a bad person.”

“I´m going to be rich someday.”

“I´ll always be poor.”

We ought to be very careful and selective with what we tell ourselves, or else, we might end up fulfilling our beliefs…

Have a great day.
