Beauty is in the details

I´ve always loved simple music…

…if it´s good.

How do you discern between good and bad music?

An impossible question with impossible answers.

For me, it´s many things. But the pieces that go together have to be perfect, no matter how simple or complicated they are. Melody, harmony, timing, pacing, structure… all of these are governed by one basic principle: emotion.

If it has truth and relates to deep emotion, the chances of the mmusic being good are so much higher.

Since last week I´ve had three trending audios.

For those of you who don´t know or understand what I´m talking about:

Trending audio are pieces of music one uploads to social media platforms (in this case Instagram) and they become so popular that other creators use that audio for their videos. This is very rare, but it is extremely rare that three of them go viral.

Must be that the bandoneon is a nice instrument after all…

The new viral/trending audios are some pieces I recorded from the soundtrack of the beautiful movie Amélie. You can listen to these in two different ways:

1) on Spotify by going to this link

2) on YouTube (where you can also see me performing) by going to this link.

This music to me is “simple music for profound emotions,” as Jope Beving once so beautifully said.

Have a great day.
